Solo Travelling: Are You Ready to Travel on Your Own?

Travelling on your own is one of the most liberating experience a person can have. It is self-indulgent. When I first tried it, it was scary and I’ve had a couple of jitters. But once you truly feel the fun of travelling solo, you’ll discover a lot about yourself in a different level.


Imagine yourself carrying a backpack, riding airplanes or buses, or boats, and transferring from one place to another. You can eat anything you want and however you want it; you can spend time in a single place for as long as you want; and you don’t need to rush in doing anything because your schedule is all yours. Imagine the freedom, and imagine how carefree you can be.


But, to be honest, travelling alone is not as simple as you think. You cannot just grab your clothes, pack it light, and go. One of the things that you need to consider when you travel on your own is that you’ll have insurance just in case things don’t go your way. Well, it’s not just about securing a comprehensive travel insurance before you head off somewhere. Travelling solo also means doing the preparations on your own instead of having someone else to do it with you or for you.


Let’s start with planning the trip. I know that going on solo travels do not require a thorough itinerary since you are all on your own. But, you have to know where you’ll go right? Before you leave, make sure that you have reserved the hotel and list down some of the places that you would want to visit. If possible, you can also try to research for the best dining places and watering holes in the area. This will save you some time.


Next, you have to learn their language. If in case that you are travelling in a country that doesn’t use the English language, make sure to at least familiarize yourself on some of the basic terms and words. Do not rely too much on Apps that translate words for you. If you want to look sincere in connecting with the people in the places that you will visit, learn their language and speak it.


But most important of all, carry a bucket of peace of mind with you. Yes, there are a lot of tips and guidelines on travelling alone – and ensuring your safety – but you also need to remember that you are on vacation. Of course, you want to let loose and not worry too much. That’s where having an annual travel insurance becomes beneficial.


Honestly though, if you consider having an insurance before you travel, you are sure that someone has got your back just in case something ugly happens. Not everything will go your way, especially on the things that are beyond your control. There are various travel insurance plans that gives you coverage when you encounter baggage loss, flight delays, and hotel mishaps. These are the things that you really need to prepare for. Also, if you are a frequent traveler, or if you are planning to make it your new hobby, it’s better to get a cheap travel insurance plan that protects you all year long.


Now, if you think that you are ready to conquer the world, go ahead! Pack your bags, leap out of your flat, jump on the next flight to Cambodia, and start seeing new places! Happy travelling!

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